resources from the vera institute of justice
70 Million has partnered with The Vera Institute of Justice to offer readers, explainers, and narratives to correspond with our episodes. Download the studies, use them in your classrooms, use the takeaways in local organizing projects--however they're useful.
resources by reform category:
Reimagining Prison: Web Report [Special Report]
Incarceration's Front Door: The Misuse of Jails in America (Full Report, Infographic)
The Human Toll of Jail (Special Report & Stories)
Tulsa County Jail Report (Full Report)
In Our Backyards: Immigration Detention and the Smell of Money (Story)
Why Reporting on Undocumented Immigrants Tethered to ICE Is Challenging, by Ryan Katz for 70 Million (Blog Post/Narrative)
A Different Type of Night Court, by Jesse Alejandro Cottrell for 70 Million (Blog Post/Narrative)
Racial Inequity:
An Unjust Burden: The Disparate Treatment of Black Americans in the Criminal Justice System (Full Report)
Prosecution and Public Defense:
The State of Justice Reform: Prosecutors Step into the Spotlight of Justice Reform (Yearly Highlights)
Behind the Scenes of Public Defense (Narrative)
A Prosecutor's Guide to Advancing Racial Equity (Full Report)
Women and Jail:
Overlooked: Women and Jails in an Era of Reform [Full Report]
Foster Care:
Girls Matter: Centering Gender in Status Offense Reform Efforts [Resource with Toolkits]
Just Kids: When Misbehaving is a Crime [Resource with Toolkits]
Youth Who Chronically AWOL from Foster Care [Publication]
What Keeps Children in Foster Care from Succeeding in Schools? [Publication]
The Opioid Crisis and Criminal Justice:
David and Goliath: A Small City Police Department Takes Aim at a Monster Epidemic [Narrative]
A New Normal: Addressing Opioid Use Through The Criminal Justice System [Publication & Video]
Minimizing Harm: Public Health and Justice System Responses to Drug Use and the Opioid Crisis [Publication]
How Bail Works [Video]
Against the Odds: Experimenting with Alternative Forms of Bail in New York City’s Criminal Courts [Full Report]
Past Due: Examining the Costs and Consequences of Charging for Justice in New Orleans [Publication]
Bail, Fines, and Fees: How they Impact Poor Communities in New Orleans [Video]